Petey did something in the night to injure himself. We speculate that he jumped down from something and landed wrong. The problem seems to be his right 'shoulder'. He's walking around with his back all arched, and favoring his right front paw some. He won't raise his head, so he looks like an upside down letter U. John and I have taken turns massaging him and feeling for something amiss, but we can't find anything. He seems to enjoy the rubbing. He definitely enjoys the attention. We've give him a baby aspirin too. That's about all that can be done for the little fellow. If his typical pattern holds true, he'll be fine tomorrow as though nothing was ever wrong. Stay tuned...
Petey is better. He is keeping his back a little flatter, not so arched. He still won't shake his head. He went down & back up the back steps and when I gave him a bacon treat, he actually trotted in to the dining room to eat it. He usually goes all the way in the to living room, but progress is progress. I have a feeling he'll be much better in the morning, especially if we can figure a way to keep him from getting on, or more importantly off the bed. He just jumped up on the couch...
The End is Near!!
5 years ago