Saturday, January 9, 2010

A Plea from Petey

Petey here. I know that the humans in this house use this venue to communicate to the outside world, and I need help!! They have begun strapping this blue fleece device to me that is similar to a straight jacket. They say it is for warmth but I'm not so sure. The female has even taking to putting this vile device in the warming box in my favorite room to entice me to put it on. This is in addition to trying to keep the best blanket for herself. I wouldn't be surprised if they were responsible for the sudden dramatic drop in temperatures outdoors. They would do anything to strap me in that thing. The male moved a large portion of my blankets out of my main room saying it was to cut down on dust. See what I mean!?!

That is in addition to trying to make me eat all manner of disgusting items, but that is a plea for another time. I must make haste. I never know when one of them is nearby. Please, please send help!! I must go hide under one of the remaining blankets now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Never fear Petey. I'm calling 911 now!!!!

(who sat a pillow in front of the heating vent with a hot pad (turned on low) for the cat the other day)