Sunday, August 19, 2012

Petey, the Toddler

I have likened Petey to a toddler many times in this blog.  His selective hearing, need to be first, and general 'my way or the highway' attitude have all been discussed here.  Yesterday, I was reminded of another toddler like behavior that I don't think has been mentioned.  Be forewarned this is one of those subjects that isn't discussed in polite company.  That is Petey won't poop in front of us.

This is not a new behavior, but is just happened again and made me realize I don't think I've mentioned it before.  Much like a toddler hides to poop so does Petey.  Petey still goes outside, but he won't let us see him. 

Yesterday afternoon I let him out.  Since I was in the middle of something, I just opened the door for him and went back to finish what I was doing.  Then I went outside.  Initially, he had his back turned but I could tell he was doing the 'poop walk.'  I won't go in to detail.  I'll just say I recognized what was happening so I kept my distance.  For some reason he turned around.  He locked eyes with me and immediately stopped. 

I knew I'd messed up, so I told him I'd go around the corner of the house and wait.  It was too late.  He'd dashed behind the garage where I couldn't see him.  I did not follow because I knew what was going on and I didn't want to be the cause of any digestive upset caused from holding it too long.

In a bit, he came trotting up with a look of innocence on his face.  I think he thinks we don't know that he poops.  Whatever, I don't care.  As long as he keeps it outside.

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